UI designing tools and tips for Android noobs.

05:23:00 1 Comments A + a -

           I know I speak for most of the Android developers when I say my UI designing skills are just about manageable. Inspite of Android community being overly generous to provide copious amount of help and tutorials online, I find myself pondering on a particular problem at times. So, came up with this post to inform the noob developers about the Android Asset Studio  a great tool produced by the Google Android developers to make programmers' life simpler. 

     Basically, the idea is to help designer their own icons with minimal taste of UI design aesthetics. Android Asset set can be used to design and resize icons, logos  for the action bar, menu, notification, tab and launcher icons, in fact simply everything imaginable. It takes an image, clipart or a text as input and allows you to design and download them using a very handy tool which I found extremely useful.

Google Android Cheatsheet for Graphic designers is another source of awesome compilation of the design parameters to keep in mind while designing android assets. Thanks to Petr Nohejl. Do donate if you find it useful. 

What if the site is down? Nothing to worry. The Android sdk comes loaded with the Android asset tool(was unaware myself until Roman Nurik pointed it out for me!) to make it available offline for you. You can find the Android Icon set designer on selecting:

File---> New---> Other---> Android folder---> Android  Icon Set.

Select the project you want to import the icons for and what type of icon set you are looking to design. For instance launcher icon, menu icon, action bar icon etc.

There you go, design your wonderful icons and download them in all the required sizes i.e hdpi, ldpi, xdpi and xxdpi.

Android Developer, Tech Enthusiast, Startup Aficionado, Seeker of Happiness.