Showing posts with label Git. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Git. Show all posts

Tutorial three: How to set up a git repository?

Local git repository:

             Setting up a local repository is pretty simple. By local repository I mean making your project a git repo on your work-station.  

            Open git-bash. Navigate to your project folder. In my case it is \android-test.

  Sowmya\android-test$ git init                                                     

Tutorial Two: Git terminologies

             This post is a continuation of Tutorial one: Git basics. One of the challenges I faced while learning Git was the keywords used. Once you know what each command means your life becomes a lot simpler. It would definitely take a few screws up to get a hang of it. But the best part is every screw-up can be undone.

1. Config: 'git config' allows you to get or set any repository or global options. It allows you to set variables in the config file.

Tutorial One: Git Basics

Git history: 

Git is a version-control system that was developed by the Linux-open source community under the guidance of Linus Travolds. It mainly aimed at solving some of the problems they faced with Bitkeeper a Distributed Version Control System used back in 2005.

The major problems Git addresses are: