Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts

A woman developer's survival guide

Often I notice and hear that women developers find it hard to cope with the norms of IT which eventually leads to them switching to a non-STEM career. Clearly, a large number of women demonstrate inclination towards STEM fields during high school and college, but when it comes to pursuing a career the number reduces exponentially.

Custom Toast

Certainly, toasts were boring and I'm sure you have resorted to a better message library but you could now use custom views to display toasts.

So, now you can dress up your toast to show some simple app messages/notifications. You could also have an image in them. If you would have to add a custom toast layout to a toast to show a message, you would have to do the following.

Create the custom layout for your toast.

Gradle: Print dependency graph for Android

While using gradle build in Android Studio or IntelliJ you might face the duplicate dependency issues when you have multiple libraries using the same dependencies and each might have different versions added within them. So, it becomes important to print and take a look at what dependencies each library has and exclude them.

So, to print the dependency graph for all dependencies of the app module.

Go to terminal and type in the root folder.

gradle :app:dependencies


gradle app:dependencies

Few things to keep in mind while switching jobs

            In the last 6+ years of my career, I have worked at multiple firms in different roles and every time I changed a job, the experience has never been more fulfilling. Besides the process of finding a new one, which could get excruciating at times, I learned something new about the job types, technology and the people I associated with. I can honestly admit it was NOT one of the easiest things to do in the initial days of my career. Now, I can proudly say my journey from Mumbai to Bengaluru to Berlin has not been anything less than adventurous. 

Hosting Sencha app on Raspberry Pi

     I'm super excited as this is my first Raspberry Pi project. If a tiny computer allows you to do a plethora of things effortlessly isn't it great? Particularly for Linux users playing around with Raspberry Pi should be a child's game.

      What I'm trying to attempt here is pretty straight-forward. I will be hosting a Sencha app on Raspberry Pi by making it the web-server.


  1. Raspberry Pi with Raspbian OS running on it. 
   2. An ethernet connection.

Tutorial three: How to set up a git repository?

Local git repository:

             Setting up a local repository is pretty simple. By local repository I mean making your project a git repo on your work-station.  

            Open git-bash. Navigate to your project folder. In my case it is \android-test.

  Sowmya\android-test$ git init