Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts

Custom Toast

Certainly, toasts were boring and I'm sure you have resorted to a better message library but you could now use custom views to display toasts.

So, now you can dress up your toast to show some simple app messages/notifications. You could also have an image in them. If you would have to add a custom toast layout to a toast to show a message, you would have to do the following.

Create the custom layout for your toast.

Gradle: Print dependency graph for Android

While using gradle build in Android Studio or IntelliJ you might face the duplicate dependency issues when you have multiple libraries using the same dependencies and each might have different versions added within them. So, it becomes important to print and take a look at what dependencies each library has and exclude them.

So, to print the dependency graph for all dependencies of the app module.

Go to terminal and type in the root folder.

gradle :app:dependencies


gradle app:dependencies

Why do cell phone batteries explode?

          Ever since the inception of battery technology in 1700's, we must admit that there hasn't been much of a revolutionary breakthrough to account for even after almost 300 years. Batteries have only been re-engineered by either shrinking, using different electrodes or by packing them differently. The amount of energy that is produced by fossil fuels is much more compared to the electric batteries, the reason why they need to be more tightly packed  to increase the efficiency making them more vulnerable and dangerous.

UI designing tools and tips for Android noobs.

           I know I speak for most of the Android developers when I say my UI designing skills are just about manageable. Inspite of Android community being overly generous to provide copious amount of help and tutorials online, I find myself pondering on a particular problem at times. So, came up with this post to inform the noob developers about the Android Asset Studio  a great tool produced by the Google Android developers to make programmers' life simpler. 

Simplest way to sign your Android app for publishing in Google Play.

            Only when I started reading the google documentation did I realize how confusing it can get to sign the Android app for publishing in the Android market. The documentation is way too elaborate(which is a good thing if you're not in a hurry;)) and runs for pages which some may find intimidating. Therefore, I decided to help fellow noobs to publish their apps hassle-free. First of all, you need to check your application for "debug" mode. You could do that by looking in the Android manifest file for the "debuggable" attribute.